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 Modify expression hickups

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Uniwares Posted - Nov 26 2021 : 10:26:58 AM
The "modify expression" menu entry sometimes shows up in unexpected locations and then produces even more unexpected results. Like here, invoked on a method definition:

Seems that VA really likes the #region's, they often pop up in the modify expression window.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Dec 23 2021 : 09:16:05 AM
I have the test file, many thanks for this, I am now able to easily reproduce on demand. You actually need an assignment in the region above, at least for me, which is what I was missing.

Uniwares Posted - Dec 23 2021 : 08:04:35 AM
Sent by email
feline Posted - Dec 14 2021 : 12:40:44 PM
If you are happy sharing the file, that would be quite interesting and useful please. Modify Expression is still offered in a few places that don't make much sense, but this really doesn't make any sense, so something is clearly confusing us. It would be nice to distil this down to a tiny test case, if possible.

Please send me the files via email:

[email protected]

including this thread ID or URL in the description, so we can match it up.
Uniwares Posted - Dec 03 2021 : 07:21:51 AM
Yes, sorry, didnt put any context to it: VS 2017 enterprise, VA current version, C# ASP.NET project.

As you can see, hovering over a method name gives me the refactoring menu icon, and there is "modify expression" available.

This specific .cs file has regions all over, some outside the methods, some inside. the "[ INIT ]" region is the second region in this file, inside the class, surrounding a few methods. And for any method in this file, this specific region is shown when invoking the "modify expression".

I�ll send you the code for this file if needed.
feline Posted - Dec 03 2021 : 07:02:33 AM
I am assuming this is C# code, so I have used the following test case, using VS2019 and VA 2440.0:

namespace VAModifyExpressionTest
	class HoldingTest
		#region [INIT]
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the regional month names
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="val">unused</param>
		/// <param name="purposeOneVal">unused</param>
		/// <param name="purposeValTwo">unused</param>
		/// <param name="locationVal">unused</param>
		/// <returns>A string with all month names</returns>
		[WebMethod(CacheDuration = 60)]
		public static string Month(string val, string purposeOneVal, string purposeValTwo, string locationVal)
			return DateUtils.GetAllMonthNamesAsCsv();
		#region [MORE INIT]

the only place on the function signature that Modify Expression is being offered for me is on the parameters, where it is offering to place a ! in front of the parameter type. A rather random idea, but at least it makes some sense given the location where it is triggered.

Am I testing this correctly?
Uniwares Posted - Dec 03 2021 : 05:42:03 AM
/// <summary>
        /// Gets the regional month names
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="val">unused</param>
        /// <param name="purposeOneVal">unused</param>
        /// <param name="purposeValTwo">unused</param>
        /// <param name="locationVal">unused</param>
        /// <returns>A string with all month names</returns>
        [WebMethod(CacheDuration = 60)]
        public static string Month(string val, string purposeOneVal, string purposeValTwo, string locationVal)
            return DateUtils.GetAllMonthNamesAsCsv();

But it actually doesnt matter, there are 3 other regions (and about 500 lines of code) between this method and the one shown in the dialog. Happens with pretty much any method after the region statement.
feline Posted - Nov 29 2021 : 4:45:31 PM
What method definition did you trigger this on? The screen shot isn't offering any clues.

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