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 Build 2420 in VS2022 RC?

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Mnemonic Posted - Nov 03 2021 : 03:06:55 AM
Hello, MS currently releases the same VS version in two "channels", Preview (currently 17.0.0 Preview 7.0) and Release Candidate (currently 17.0.0 RC3).

As far as I can tell, VA installer only "sees" the Preview version. Could you enable installing for the RC version as well?

As I understand, the RC channel will be updated to the final release version on Monday, while the Preview channel will get more post-release betas.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Nov 12 2021 : 08:18:48 AM
Upgrading to the release version from the RC with VA installed has worked just fine for me, and so far everything looks good.

We are working on a new release, to match the final release, but for now things look good.
pwc Posted - Nov 10 2021 : 8:10:10 PM
FYI - 2021.4 installs and appears to run with the release version of VS2022 just fine.
pwc Posted - Nov 10 2021 : 1:50:57 PM
Is 2021.4 ok to use with the VS2022 release? If not recommended, any ETA on a version that has official support?

feline Posted - Nov 04 2021 : 10:01:09 AM
Thank you for the update, I am glad this is working for you. I did wonder if you were getting a different result due to a different history of installing, uninstalling and updating versions of VS2022.

Our installer only lists one entry for each IDE, to try and keep the list manageable.
Mnemonic Posted - Nov 03 2021 : 1:12:03 PM
Yeah, you're right. It did actually install to both instances of VS2022, Preview and RC.
I got confused by the "Preview" label; somehow I assumed it would list both instances, since the extensions are not normally shared between those.

Thank you for your help.
feline Posted - Nov 03 2021 : 10:38:36 AM
Have you actually installed this version of VA? I have done so, and it is showing up and working as expected inside the RC build of VS2022.

We are not trying to show you the "perfect" name of VS2022 here, since that is currently a moving target, instead we are trying to show you enough so you can tell us if you want VA installed for this version of the IDE or not.
Mnemonic Posted - Nov 03 2021 : 10:26:00 AM
Hmm, I was testing with 2021.3 before.

Now I just downloaded 2021.4 installer (VA_X_Setup2435_0.exe) and it still doesn't seem to discover the RC build.

Any idea what could be missing?
feline Posted - Nov 03 2021 : 08:05:18 AM
Which version of VA are you trying to use?

We have just released VA 2021.4:


to double check, I have used Visual Studio Installer to uninstall VS2022 Preview 7 and install VS2022 RC3 on the same machine, and this version of VA is picking up and installing into VS2022 quite happily.

The installer is describing it as "Visual SUtio 2022 Preview 6", but that is a known "bug" and is simply due to the speed of updates to Visual Studio 2022.

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