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 Inappropriate automatic update

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
EugeneKozlov Posted - Apr 10 2021 : 5:43:06 PM
(Please forgive me for rage-posting, I'm just very annoyed)

I recently installed VS 2019 and old VA build that I have license for.

After I restarted VS, I got this:

Come on, really? I didn't ask it to install the newest version (which is not available for me), it was installed automatically. VA installed itself without asking me? Great, then go ahead and don't ask me for license key as well.
I expect my tools to work, unconditionally, not to bother me with licensing stuff.

Okay, so I had to reinstall VA (which is annoying), but I that's not why I am making this topic.
For whatever reason it has just happened again, despite me disabling automatic updates for VA.
I guess VS 2019 decided to re-enable VA updates for whatever reasons.

Expected behavior would be to either prompt update or never update beyond available version.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Apr 19 2021 : 08:05:48 AM
I can appreciate that this really is frustrating. Given that the IDE seems to sometimes download updates in the background, so they are ready to install, it would make some sense that it downloaded the VA update in the background.

Hopefully this time round the IDE will stop forcing the unwanted update on you.
EugeneKozlov Posted - Apr 16 2021 : 3:55:21 PM
And it just happened again, despite the fact that I disabled automatic updates in Options globally. I guess VS somehow queued update before I unchecked the box and installed it *after* I disabled extension updates. Okay, I'll try to reinstall VA *third* time (which is genuinely ridiculous), now it will be installed into VS which already has all updates disabled.
feline Posted - Apr 12 2021 : 08:45:12 AM
How did you disable automatic updates for VA? VA its self does not contain an automatic update feature. You can ask VA to let you know when a new build is available, but all it will do is notify you, if asked to check.

Visual Studio its self does have the ability to automatically update extensions, which is probably what is happening here. This is controlled in two different locations. First, on an extension by extension basis in the:

IDE Extensions menu -> Manage Extensions

dialog. Select VA, or any other installed extension, in the list of installed extensions, and on the right hand side of the dialog there is an "Automatically update this extension" check box. There is also the more global setting:

IDE tools menu -> Options -> Environment -> Extensions and Updates -> Automatically update extensions

Later versions of Visual Assist are designed to turn off the update extension automatically setting, but older versions did not do this, so on a clean install the IDE can default to automatically updating VA, even if this isn't what you want to happen.

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