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 Erroneous highlights of missing include files

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
wl2776 Posted - Mar 22 2021 : 10:41:41 AM
... and symbols.

Visual studio highlights in red many include files and symbols from the Unreal Engine and internal project files.

See the picture:

At the same time, Ctrl-click with mouse successfully opens respective files and navigates to symbols.

For the picture above, Ctrl-click on "Components/SceneComponent.h" successfully opens that file.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Mar 23 2021 : 06:36:43 AM
Thank you for the update, I am glad this was easily fixed.
wl2776 Posted - Mar 22 2021 : 12:25:41 PM
Indeed, these buggy curly undelines were coming from Intellisense. I've disabled it and they have gone.
feline Posted - Mar 22 2021 : 10:57:07 AM
A follow on thought, if this is coming from the IDE, you might want to try disabling the IDE intellisense, and enable VA's support for Unreal Engine:

IDE tools menu -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> IntelliSense -> Disable IntelliSense = True

VA Options -> Unreal Engine -> Enable support for Unreal Engine 4

since this may well work better for you, since clearly the IDE is struggling here, for some reason or other.
feline Posted - Mar 22 2021 : 10:55:47 AM
Can you please try disabling VA, via:

VAssistX -> Enable/Disable Visual Assist X

and see if this has any effect on this underlining? I am fairly sure this underlining is coming from the IDE its self, and has nothing to do with VA. If so, disabling VA won't have any effect on the underlining.

To be fair, it is often hard to tell where VA stops and the IDE starts, which is by design. Still, a strange problem to have.

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