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 VA 2399: occasionally very sluggish to color

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Uniwares Posted - Mar 10 2021 : 04:34:52 AM
With the last 2 updates to VS2019 (16.9.0 and 16.9.1) the VA enhanced syntax coloring got sluggish in some situations with lots of repeated symbols on screen. It keeps blinking between normal and enhanced coloring while typing. Seems like it times out while updating, kinda.

(and any idea why forum notifications arent sent anymore since some days?)
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Mar 10 2021 : 10:23:27 AM
Interesting, and thank you for the update. I have been noticing that editing in VS2019 seems sluggish at times, but since I am often bouncing between different VM's, for different tests, I just put it down to the system catching up with the machine change. Sounds like this is also a factor.
Uniwares Posted - Mar 10 2021 : 09:59:30 AM
Quite short actually (<1000 LOC), and yes, I see that in other files too. But, it seems that this is related to VS. Turning off code analyzers in the project settings ("Run on live analysis") solves this. it happens that VS 16.9.x has changed something essential and is becoming very processor hungry, so editing in VS becomes slow, this somehow affects VAs syntax coloring too. how, i have no idea.
For now I have disabled live analysis, opened a bug report on VS2019 and all is working "normal"
feline Posted - Mar 10 2021 : 09:05:43 AM
How large is the file where you are seeing this problem? Are you seeing the delay in all files?

Normally I would suggest heavy C++ template code, but this is C#, or a very large or very complex file. The large file I use for VA stress testing is 23,000 lines long, for reference.

So if you are seeing this in "normal" files then this is a different situation.

I will double check and ask about email notifications.

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