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 VA 2399: list replacement driving me crazy

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Uniwares Posted - Mar 08 2021 : 06:41:53 AM
Lately completion lists are driving me crazy, here you see an example of whats happening. Typing along to insert "LastReset" you see a VA completion list popping up (good one), then it gets replaced with another one, completely unrelated to the context.

Now another situation where I want to complete the word with Ctrl+Space, the correct list pops up and then gets reduced without reason.

I also see often automatic completions replacing what I am writing with something totally unrelated.
like: I am starting an variable declaration "var", press space and it gets replaced with "ValidationEventArgs"

What the heck is going on?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Mar 10 2021 : 09:01:29 AM
I have pulled up an older VM image, so testing with VS2019 version 16.5.4 and VA 2375, and with your VA and IDE settings, with the C# test code:
private string testingStringBuilding()
    int LastReset = 1;
    string Reason = "Because";
    string resultText = $"last reset was {|} for {Reason} and now we are tracking";
    return resultText;

typing "la" here produces the same changing listbox behaviour, first a short VA listbox, then a much longer IDE listbox appears. The replacement happens quickly, even on a sluggish VM, so it might not be that obvious at all on a fast machine, but it is happening with this combination of versions.

This doesn't explain what is happening with the changing listbox, but it isn't a "new" effect in the latest version, but the delay between the small listbox and the bigger listbox does appear longer by a second or two, so a lot more noticeable, although I am comparing different VM's, one on a SSD and one not, so not a direct comparison.
Uniwares Posted - Mar 09 2021 : 10:24:35 AM
Point here is that this behavior changed somewhere in the last few month, not sure if with VA updates or VS updates. So settings are as they been since... the beginning of this VA installation anyway. So I would expect it to work with my usual settings. But I also noticed that lately VS is playing around a lot with Intellisense features, that might be interfering here too.
Currently I am on VS 2019 Community 16.9.0
feline Posted - Mar 09 2021 : 09:40:00 AM
For the first gif, I have tried testing the same basic situation with your settings and extensions. I get the same small listbox, being replaced after a few moments, with a much longer listbox. But for me "LastReset" remains in the listbox, and remains the current item.

I think that the initial listbox is VA producing a suggestion listbox, and then this is replaced by the IDE responding a few moments later, which is producing a longer list of items. For me, setting:

VA Options -> Suggestions -> Show only suggestions in completion lists = On

stops the listbox going from small to large. Can you try setting this, and see what effect this has?

For the second gif, the initial listbox has tomato icons, but they disappear when the listbox changes, suggesting that something has replaced the VA listbox with a smaller listbox.

For a listbox being accepted when you press space, this is a bit more tricky.

Back in Visual Studio 2010 there was the option:

IDE tools menu -> Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> IntelliSense -> Committed by pressing the space bar

but I cannot find any sign of it in more recent versions of the IDE. I am not sure if it has just been moved somewhere else, or removed entirely. We also have the setting:

VA Options -> Enhanced Listboxes -> Commit selection with - Additional characters

and it matters if the listbox has focus or not when you type "var".

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