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 Navigate forward with ALT+RIGHT not working

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vico Posted - Feb 03 2021 : 09:13:08 AM

Suddenly I found that ALT+RIGHT brings menu below with selection instead of navigate forward.

Navigate Forward button works fine. Key binding shows only Navigate Forward on Alt+Right Arrow in Visual Studio.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Uniwares Posted - Feb 16 2021 : 11:44:25 AM
Actually I gave up on using it because it rarely works, so yes, its very fragile.
Mapped to VAssistX.NavigateBack/Forward in both TextEditor and Global.

Cant say about C++, since I am not using C++ since a long time. C# and VB only.
In VB I wouldnt expect it to work since its not a supported language.
A quick test doing what you mentioned (although in C#), shows its working as expected.
Cant say now what and when it breaks. When I have a little time I do some testing. I definitely know that usually when I Ctrl+Click on a symbol or type, I never get back to the location where I started with Alt+Left.
feline Posted - Feb 16 2021 : 08:50:59 AM
How fragile is this for you?

Using VS2019 and VA 2399.0 I opened a C++ file, and used Alt-G to jump around, between the .h file and matching cpp file, moving through the class and 4 of its member functions. This gave me simple set of forward and back steps. Alt+Left Arrow and Alt+Right Arrow moved me back and forward through these steps quite happily.

I then did a Find References on the class name, and using Find References Results, I jumped to a comment line containing the class name. A line that wasn't in my jump history. Alt+Left Arrow and Alt+Right Arrow still worked as before, moving me through several different locations.

By the sounds of it, if you did the same, this would be enough to stop this working correctly.

Can you please check to see if Alt+Right Arrow and Alt+Left Arrow are mapped to the VA forward and back locations, just in case they have become remapped to the IDE version instead?
Uniwares Posted - Feb 16 2021 : 07:49:07 AM
To me the navigate back/forward is pretty broken long time. Works only when I stay in the editor window. As soon as I go somewhere through a find, reference, error list, or any other window, the navigation throws away all that was in the history but the last location.
feline Posted - Feb 16 2021 : 05:57:16 AM
The VA toolbar buttons are for the VA commands. In the IDE Keyboard Options, these are the commands:


if they are not mapped to keyboard shortcuts, then no keyboard shortcut will show in the menu bar tooltip. Given your tooltips it looks like "VAssistX.NavigateBack" has been mapped, but "VAssistX.NavigateForward" has not been mapped.

I would suggest either mapping "VAssistX.NavigateForward" or "View.Forward" to Alt+Right Arrow, not both, to try and avoid confusion. I am not sure why View.Forward isn't working, but if you remove this keyboard binding and map Alt+Right Arrow to "VAssistX.NavigateForward" then it should work correctly for you.
vico Posted - Feb 15 2021 : 12:48:07 PM

After remove binding I have:

But now nothing is happening after pressing Alt + ->

And I found that no more key binding on button:

feline Posted - Feb 08 2021 : 06:11:53 AM
You have to look at the scope for the keyboard shortcut, which is given at the end, in brackets.

In this case you have two keyboard shortcuts that could be active:

Edit.CompleteWord - scope of Text Editor
View.Forward - scope of Global

since you are seeing a listbox that looks like the IDE is trying to compete the current word, based on the position of the keyboard caret, I assume that Edit.CompleteWord is taking priority, since Text Editor is a more specific scope than Global.

Please filter the list of commands to show "Edit.CompleteWord". With this command selected you can select the Alt+Right Arrow shortcut in the "Shortcuts for selected command" pull down list and then use the Remove button to remove this keyboard binding. This will remove the overlapping command for Alt+Right Arrow, so you should no longer get the listbox.
vico Posted - Feb 06 2021 : 11:16:34 AM

I also have several bindings to Alt+Right Arrow

How to know which of them are active?

In my case cursor might be standing in the middle of function description, but when I press "Alt+Right Arrow" cursor moves to end of function name and drops down selection list.

feline Posted - Feb 03 2021 : 10:19:37 AM
How did you check the key bindings?

On my system, if I go into the IDE keyboard settings, and then try to map Alt + Right Arrow to a new command, and pull down the pull down list for "Shortcut currently used by" I get 5 different entries, two from Visual Assist, and the other 3 are standard mappings, but they are not active in the Text Editor.

Where was the caret located before the listbox appeared? It is almost as if Alt + Right Arrow was being treated as CTRL-SPACE, with the caret at the end of LV_LOG_TRACE, thus producing the listbox. Assuming there is nothing odd with your keyboard mapping in the IDE settings, I am wondering if some other utility could be effecting how the keyboard shortcut is interpreted by the IDE.

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