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 VA 2375 > 2380 Infinite Parsing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cm_adrianpaulsmith Posted - Jun 24 2020 : 10:56:37 AM

I hope someone can help.
Myself and a couple of colleagues after updating to the latest version (2380) have experienced infinite parsing opening a source code version of UE4 (as far as I know so far 2/4 of us have this issue).

We attempted to clear the cache, rebuild the database and re-generate the solution but the database keeps re-building indefinably every couple of minutes.

Below is some snipbits of the VA log where we have found rebuilding.


FD cpp(31BF37D0, 1, 0) sys(31BF3680, 1) clr(0) wrt(0) net(1)
Loading project symbols...
Trace: [Start] Load solution symbols
MP::RID: old ns: :OutputDeviceColor;:ATL;:std;:WTL;:_com_util;:rel_ops;
(16 t)
MP::RID: new ns: :OutputDeviceColor;:ATL;:std;:WTL;:_com_util;:rel_ops;
Pr::LP sln db preload total(38949) mod(32782) min(50)
(578 t)
Pr::LP rebuild sln db due to external modifications
(15 t)
row(33) items(244)
(125 t)
row(42) items(864)
row(43) items(472)
row(45) items(376)
row(47) items(328)
row(61) items(2896)
row(116) items(312)
row(124) items(220)


row(198368) items(619)
row(198633) items(239)
row(199396) items(251)
HashTbl::Empty this(1bee84d0) rows(200000) created(475000 in 5 pools) items(386898) ext(0) pv(75956) notBack(54) ds(103359)
(16 t)
Trace: [Start] FileFinder cache save
(265 t)
Trace: [End] FileFinder cache save - elapsed 16 ms
(16 t)
Trace: [End] Load solution symbols - elapsed 2031 ms
(953 t)
Trace: [End] Loading solution and projects - elapsed 48156 ms
PL:Run exception: request solution rebuild due to > 50 modified files
ParserThreadJob: SerializeFileIds
End ProjectLoader::Run
ParserThreadJob completed in 0 ticks
-PooledThread: ProjectLoader
PooledThreadProc VAX:ProjectLoader exit tid 0x69a8 in 48297 ticks
ParserThreadJob: SerializeFileIds
ParserThreadJob completed in 0 ticks
ParserThreadJob: InheritanceTypeResolver-Cached
GSD c/c++ sysDbLoad on thread 6df8
(125 t)
Trace: [Start] Load system symbols (1)
Loading system symbols...
MP::RID: old ns: :OutputDeviceColor;:ATL;:std;:WTL;:_com_util;:rel_ops;
(47 t)


Rolling back to 2375 fixes the effected PC's, the parsing takes about 10-20 min but does not rebuild.

We are all using Visual Studio Pro 2017.
Both the broken users are on 15.9.13, however a working user is on 15.9.13 and 15.9.6 so I assume its not to do with an issue with VS.

Is there anyone available to help diagnose this issue? Its not blocking us as we have rolled back but it will prevent us from upgrading in the future.

Adrian Smith
Senior Programmer
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChrisG Posted - Jun 25 2020 : 2:35:37 PM
case=142406 was opened for this bug.
case=142406 is fixed in build 2382.
cm_adrianpaulsmith Posted - Jun 24 2020 : 12:50:57 PM
It took about 40 min but I can confirm setting the value to 0 allowed the solution to load on 2380.

Rebooting Visual Studio, VA took less than 1min to load.
ChrisG Posted - Jun 24 2020 : 11:34:46 AM
If you set the following registry value to 0, do you still have the issue?

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Whole Tomato\Visual Assist X\VANet16\RebuildSolutionMinimumModificationPercent

VANet16 is for Visual Studio 2019, it may be different depending on your IDE.

Please close any instances of Visual Studio before modifying the registry.
ChrisG Posted - Jun 24 2020 : 11:29:07 AM
volodymyr, are you using UE4 as well?
volodymyr.yelnikov@materi Posted - Jun 24 2020 : 11:25:29 AM
Updated to the latest build today and got same issue.
ChrisG Posted - Jun 24 2020 : 11:09:07 AM
Are you able to provide the entire log? If so, please send it in to support@wholetomato.com. If you are not able to, please contact support@wholetomato.com anyway so I can ask if specific lines are present.

There is one other report of the issue. We are working on a reproduction and identifying the cause.

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