I'll walk through what I just did. I use | as the cursor.
auto file = fopen(|dataDir + "/2077530669904.points.txt", "rb");
I want to change this line to
auto file = fopen(QUtil_s(dataDir + "/2077530669904.points.txt"), "rb");
So I enter the first two characters:
auto file = fopen(QU|dataDir + "/2077530669904.points.txt", "rb");
Now I get the right suggestion for the `QUtil_s` function. Great. I hit Tab. VA then proceeds with *deleting* the next word.
auto file = fopen(QUtil_s() + "/2077530669904.points.txt"), "rb");
So I hit undo.
auto file = fopen(QUtil_s| + "/2077530669904.points.txt"), "rb");
Nope, undo again.
auto file = fopen(QUdataDir| + "/2077530669904.points.txt"), "rb");
Well, also not helpful. Why is the cursor after the word that was deleted? But whatever.
So now I need to move the cursor back and add a space.
auto file = fopen(QU |dataDir + "/2077530669904.points.txt"), "rb");
Then move back again, to get the suggestions again with `Ctrl+Space`.
auto file = fopen(QU| dataDir + "/2077530669904.points.txt"), "rb");
Only now the suggestions suck, and VA suggests QUdpSocket instead of what I want. So now I have to delete the characters again.
auto file = fopen(| dataDir + "/2077530669904.points.txt"), "rb");
And type QU again.
auto file = fopen(QU| dataDir + "/2077530669904.points.txt"), "rb");
Now it suggests QUtil_s again. I hit Tab.
auto file = fopen(QUtil_s(|) dataDir + "/2077530669904.points.txt"), "rb");
And VA auto-fills in the braces. Again, I have to correct VA by deleting the brace. Plus of course the space that VA forced me to enter.
auto file = fopen(QUtil_s(|dataDir + "/2077530669904.points.txt"), "rb");
And now, finally, I can get where I wanted to.
Frustrating all the way. It would have been way faster without VA.
So. Can I disable that VA deletes words?
If not, what I'd like to see is an additional Undo point. If you're trying to be helpful by deleting a word, don't assume that that is what I always want. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Give me another Undo point before the deletion, so I can undo it, but still get the suggestion.
VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2302.0 built 2018.12.13
DevEnv.exe version 15.9.28307.586 Professional
msenv.dll version 15.0.28307.421
Comctl32.dll version 6.10.16299.1268
Windows 10 10.0 1709 Build 16299.1268
16 processors (x86-64, WOW64)
Language info: 1252, 0x409