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 %lf should not be considered as a spelling error

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yabowel Posted - May 01 2019 : 8:06:46 PM
"lf" is considered as a typo:

Actually, that is "%lf". Visual Assist definitely does not know this.

(Adding "lf" to dictionary should not be a reasonable solution because it is %lf used not a word "lf".)
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nitimaj880 Posted - Nov 07 2019 : 8:14:15 PM
WoW! I must try the new version immediately.

Update: I confirm this issue is fixed. Congratulations!
nitimaj880 Posted - Nov 07 2019 : 8:12:44 PM
sean Posted - Nov 07 2019 : 7:29:26 PM
case=67155 is fixed in build 2353
feline Posted - May 07 2019 : 06:10:49 AM
Apologies, you are quite right, this underlining is coming from VA. I don't know why it is not appearing in the spell check dialog though, that is a little unexpected. We are aware of this problem, and considering ignoring these formatting strings automatically:


for now, you can right click and add "lf" to the dictionary, so it won't be underlined any more. Not ideal, but it is an option.
yabowel Posted - May 07 2019 : 02:08:00 AM
This is not a mixture of numbers and letters, that is "%lf". VA marks the "lf" as an error. "lf" is the letter "L" plus the letter "F". Generally, "lf" should not be an acceptable spelling, but "%lf" is used for double-precision for scanf() and scanf_s(). Similarly, "%f" is for float.

I'm using VS2019 version 16.1 Preview 3 and Build 2331 of VA, both are the latest versions. I don't think this issue only occurs in specific version. It should be general.

Moreover, it is very strange that VA won't show this error in the spell check dialog.

But it is certainly marked by VA.

You can use the following code for test:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void) {
    double a, b;
    printf("Please input a nonnegative number:\n");
    scanf_s("%lf", &a);
    b = sqrt(a);
    printf("Square root is %.3f\n", b);
    return 0;
feline Posted - May 02 2019 : 10:51:33 AM
Can you please trigger VA's spell checking dialog:

VAssistX -> Tools -> Spell Check...

I would not expect VA to mark a mixture of numbers and letters as a spelling error, and it is not marking it as a spelling error for me, using VS2015 and VA 2331.0.

So I am interested to know if VA lists this as a spelling error in the spell check dialog, or not. If not, then it suggests the underlining is coming from somewhere else.

Which IDE and version of VA are you using?

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