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 10.9.2258.5 -- "Extension manfest is invalid."

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seandynan Posted - Mar 22 2018 : 06:04:56 AM
Latest version won't install for me, either through VS extension manager or direct download. Am I doing something wrong?

Visual Studio 2010 Professional, SP1.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sean Posted - Mar 23 2018 : 9:47:34 PM
We've asked for the ability to do that every year since VS introduced automatic updates of extensions. It's not something that matters to them. I suggest enabling the VA check for update -- it should notify you of an update well before we update the VS Marketplace (which is where the VS update looks). I wonder if the marketplace logic changed -- I don't recall ever having seen this problem in the past (we switched away from vsix format version 1 over a year ago due to support for VS2017).
seandynan Posted - Mar 23 2018 : 09:58:13 AM
Yeah, I usually download the installer too, rather than update via extension manager. Can a VS plugin opt out of the extension manager's check-for-updates mechanism?
feline Posted - Mar 23 2018 : 09:28:14 AM
Personally I had forgotten about that, I am so used to just installing the latest build of VA as soon as it comes out. The problem here though is that if you want to support VS2012 through to VS2017 in one go you require a different format of the manifest than VS2010 supports.

Once you become aware of a new build of VA you can always use the button:

VA Options -> Startup -> Check Now

to go directly to our download page, where the .exe installer is available.
seandynan Posted - Mar 23 2018 : 05:12:20 AM
Thanks Sean, that explained it.

Visual Studio 2010 extension manager does notify about updates, though, in case you weren't aware:

sean Posted - Mar 22 2018 : 10:07:46 AM
Visual Assist should not be installable via Extension Manager in VS2010. To install to VS2010, you need to use the exe installer downloaded from https://www.wholetomato.com/downloads/default.asp

The vsix download at the Visual Studio Marketplace is for vs2012-2017 (it uses vsix format version 3 that is not recognized by vs2010).

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