I installed a clean vs2017 and VisualAssist 2248.
Found a problem with the coloring using typedef and using.
int func (int v1, int v2) {return v1 + v2;}
typedef int myInt;
typedef int (*pf) (int, int); // Bug! pf - function/method type
using pf2 = int (*) (int, int); // Bug! pf - function/method type
typedef decltype(func) *pf_decl; // Correct
auto ret_func () -> int (*) (int, int) // Bug! ret_func - not function type
{return func;}
int main ()
myInt tmp;
pf ptr1 = func; // Bug
pf_decl ptr2 = func;
tmp = ptr1(2, 3);
tmp = ptr2(4, 5);
ptr2 = ret_func();
tmp = ptr2(6, 7);
return 0;

Microsoft VS2017 15.5.1
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.01055
VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2248.0 built 2017.12.16
DevEnv.exe version 15.0.27130.2003 Professional
msenv.dll version 15.0.27130.2003
Comctl32.dll version 6.10.7601.17514
Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
2 processors (x86)
Language info: 1251, 0x419