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 Install for specific RootSuffix

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pbi Posted - Jul 03 2017 : 07:37:13 AM
Is there a way to use the Visual Assist installer to install the extension into a specific RootSuffix of Visual Studio 2015?

I currently cannot use the Visual Studio Extension Installer as it only installs the latest Visual Assist version - which is out of my current licenses support period (I am still fighting for getting a renewal).
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pbi Posted - Jul 03 2017 : 10:21:14 AM
And it simply works :) Thank you!
feline Posted - Jul 03 2017 : 10:08:34 AM
Assuming you have VA installed and working on your main profile for VS2015, you can try copying the hashed install directory for VA from your main profile to the extension directory for RootSuffix you are using.

If you now load this RootSuffix version of VS2015 VA should be listed in the:

IDE tools menu -> Extensions and Updates...

dialog, but will be shown as disabled. Enable VA, and restart the IDE, and VA should now load and work correctly.

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