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 Toolbar icons blacked out

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shawn1874 Posted - May 11 2017 : 2:12:06 PM
I installed the trial version of whole tomato visual assist yesterday. The version is 10.9.2217.0 built 2017.04.26

Take a look at the attached images. Why are so many toolbar icons blacked out? I'm using visual C++ 6.0. Am I missing something? If I add the refactor method icon to the tool bar it is just a black square which isn't very useful. If I were to add any of the others like that then I can't tell which is which. Assigning hot keys is a work around but I'm curious if there is a way to fix this.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - May 12 2017 : 10:59:56 AM
A couple more thoughts. If you add one of these buttons to the toolbar that lack images - which is why they are coming up with black squares, once you have added it to the toolbar you can right click on the toolbar button, and in the "Commands" tab, under the "Modify Selection" button, you can select "Button Appearance..." and change the appearance of the button to give it your own icon.

Secondly, if you are looking for more mouse access to commands, you can turn On:

VA Options -> Mouse -> Execute VA Context Menu (old) upon Shift+Right-Click in text editor

which will give you access to the old VA context menu, which gives you access to various commands, including Refactoring commands.
accord Posted - May 12 2017 : 06:23:01 AM
I was able to reproduce the problem and I have put in a bug report for this:


Although we stopped officially supporting VC6 so I can't promise it will be fixed:

However, what I would recommend is that you assign shortcuts for refactoring command you use.

Alternatively, just use Alt+Shift+Q to trigger the refactoring context menu over any symbol.

We also have shortcuts for refactoring commands by default for some commands, such as Alt+Shift+R for rename. Learn more about this here:

Hope this helps a little bit.

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