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 Code Inspection - NULL in ASSERT

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khb Posted - Apr 09 2017 : 4:27:16 PM
I used Code Inspection to replace all occurrences of NULL by nullptr in my MFC code. However, I then noticed that still some occurrences are left. All those occurrences are within ASSERT macros, for example:
ASSERT(pointer != NULL);
Are macros ignored by design or can this be fixed?

Kind regards,
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
khb Posted - May 22 2017 : 2:26:51 PM
The problem seems to be fixed for me with VA version 2217.

Kind regards,
khb Posted - Apr 12 2017 : 12:33:52 PM
I don't know whether this is helpful, but if I hit Alt+G, then I get the following options:

Kind regards,
accord Posted - Apr 12 2017 : 12:06:18 PM
Do I have to trigger some kind of reparsing after changing the configuration?

No, it is automatically triggered.

Yes, this is what holedigger means by active configuration.

I was able to reproduce the problem when I've chosen "Release": the underline disappears and it reappears when I switch back to "Debug".
x64 was a good tip on your screenshot, but unfortunately it is not the trigger, x64 works for me in Debug.

From what I see, it's like Code Inspection has found a different ASSERT. I'll ask internally if there is a way to find out which ASSERT did it find.
khb Posted - Apr 11 2017 : 2:54:36 PM
Before I misunderstand what you mean by "active configuration", it's what I have selected in the following toolbar, right?

It doesn't seem to matter, what I enter here. Also Debug Win32 doesn't show the underlines.

Do I have to trigger some kind of reparsing after changing the configuration?

Kind regards,
holedigger Posted - Apr 11 2017 : 1:09:55 PM
Is your active configuration Debug or Release? If it is Release then the ASSERT is preprocessed away so Code Inspection doesn't see it.
khb Posted - Apr 11 2017 : 12:38:01 PM
The ASSERT macro is defined in afx.h:
#define ASSERT(f)          DEBUG_ONLY((void) ((f) || !::AfxAssertFailedLine(THIS_FILE, __LINE__) || (AfxDebugBreak(), 0)))
So, it should be the standard MFC ASSERT.

Kind regards,
accord Posted - Apr 11 2017 : 06:31:50 AM
What is the definition of your ASSERT? Can you please press F12 to go to the definition of the ASSERT's #define and then copy-paste it here? Which file is it inside? A general library or are you using your own/custom ASSERT code, defined inside the solution?
khb Posted - Apr 10 2017 : 4:08:53 PM
I added an empty new cpp file to my project. I pasted accord's code into it. I didn't see the blue underlines, because I got some red wiggly lines. I fixed those by adding #include "stdafx.h" to that file. Then the same problem occurred again.

I wasn't sure whether something in my stdafx.h could cause the problem, so I added accord's code into that file, directly behind #include <afxwin.h>. Still, the problem remained.

I have no idea what could make my solution so special. My project is a rather straight-forward dialog-based MFC application.

Kind regards,
feline Posted - Apr 10 2017 : 1:43:54 PM
If you add a new, empty cpp file to your main solution, what happens when you add the test code to this file? I am wondering if the problem is file or solution dependent. From this thread:


some checks are dependent on your toolset / IDE. So if this is indeed solution specific, this might help to explain why.
khb Posted - Apr 10 2017 : 12:38:44 PM
I'm sorry for being unclear.
Are the instances underlined but not fixed or they aren't even underlined?
The NULL instances in the ASSERT statements are not even underlined.
If you remove the ASSERT part from an instance where it fails, just for testing, does it start working?
If I remove the ASSERT, but leave its argument in the code, then the contained NULL gets properly underlined.
What version of Visual Studio and Visual Assist are you using?
VS 2012, VA 2212.
Can you please try creating a clean new win32 project and paste the below code to see if you can reproduce the problem there?
If I do that, then your code snippet works for me. However, it doesn't work if I copy it into my real project. I copied your code snippet at different locations in my project, but the NULL macro inside the ASSERT statement still doesn't get underlined. (The NULL in a = NULL; get properly underlined everywhere, though.)

I have no idea what might trigger this. If I can try out something more, please let me know.

Kind regards,
accord Posted - Apr 09 2017 : 7:53:52 PM
I was able to fix an ASSERT like this with my code.

- Are the instances underlined but not fixed or they aren't even underlined?
- If you remove the ASSERT part from an instance where it fails, just for testing, does it start working?
- What version of Visual Studio and Visual Assist are you using?
- Can you please try creating a clean new win32 project and paste the below code to see if you can reproduce the problem there?

void func()
	int* a;
	a = NULL;

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