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 Code Inspection issue with array typedef -> using

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
yehezkelshb Posted - Mar 26 2017 : 12:48:46 PM
Just started using Code Inspection. It looks useful already and with a great potential to become better and better. Thanks!

I have noticed that the "typedef to using" fix doesn't work correctly when it's a typedef to an array.

In my case, I have the following typedef:
typedef UINT32 ID[4];

Code Inspection marks it and suggests replacing with a using declaration, but when I try to apply it, the result is just:
typedef UINT32[4];

Trying it after removal of the
part, I get the expected result:
using ID = UINT32;

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
yehezkelshb Posted - Mar 26 2017 : 4:12:43 PM
As mentioned in the second message, I already use 2212 version.
I'll try later with a clean project.
accord Posted - Mar 26 2017 : 3:59:39 PM
What version of Visual Assist are you using?
I tried your example with VA build 2212 and I wasn't able to reproduce the problem.

In case you're using build 2210 can you please try downloading our recent build 2212 which has Code Inspection fixes?

In case you're still experiencing the issues with 2212 (or you're already using it) can you please try creating a clean new win32 project, paste your code snippet on the last line of Win32Project1.cpp (or something similar) to see if you're able to reproduce the problem there?
yehezkelshb Posted - Mar 26 2017 : 12:53:58 PM
Forgot to mention the technical details:
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 Version 15.0.26228.9
VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2212.0 built 2017.03.23

I also noticed that with regular 'int' or 'unsigned int' (instead of the Windows typedef) it works correctly even with an array.
It also works if I replace UINT32 with MyInt which I typedef'ed to 'unsigned int' for the testing.
Not sure what is special about UINT32.

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