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 VA breaks "Enable Faster Project Load" in VS2017

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jschroedl Posted - Feb 22 2017 : 07:59:42 AM
VS 2017 adds an experimental C++ project feature called "Enabled Faster Project Load". If you happen to also use VA, the project will not build properly if you use this option. You will see lots of messages in the output similar to "Error: Specified cast is not valid"

According to this triage from MS support the cause is VA using older project build mechanisms.


I've run into this issue myself and reported it to Microsoft separately but it looks like a fix will not be coming for VS 2017 RTM.

The workaround is to disable the "faster project load" feature or to disable VA. For now, I've disabled faster project load but would really like to use it if possible.

So, perhaps Visual Assist can fix it from their end?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sean Posted - Mar 09 2017 : 12:06:52 AM
Build 2210 has a workaround for case=103990.
In VS2017, when Faster Project Load is enabled, Visual Assist will not be notified of changes to project properties (file added/removed, include directory properties changed, etc). VA will get the updates when the solution is next loaded.
feline Posted - Feb 23 2017 : 12:34:29 PM
Once I knew what I had to do, I was able to reproduce this on demand myself, and I have put in a bug report for this:


Thankfully disabling the faster project load is a work around, but you need to know to do this.
feline Posted - Feb 22 2017 : 4:10:26 PM
Very interesting, thank you. This may well explain a build problem a user has reported seeing with VA active. I am currently trying to reproduce this problem here.

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