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 .vahashtags does not load

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
fn1186 Posted - Feb 20 2017 : 08:31:07 AM
I have project in my VC++ solution, which has a lot of "#something"'s.
I disabled them in VA hashtags window by blocking that projects.

VA saves .hashtags file with:

After I closed VS, and reopened the solution, all the tags are shown.

When I disable hashtags for the project, VA saves DUPLICATE string to .hastags file, that now looks like:

It seems that VA does not read .hashtags file on open solution =(
Please fix it.

VA = 10.9.2118
VS = 2015, 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Feb 20 2017 : 4:45:44 PM
Thank you for the update, and I am glad you have found a clear and helpful solution.

I suspect you are right, and in general, it is a reasonable assumption that the files in a project are going to sit in the directories below the project file. Not always the case, but as a rule of thumb, it should work fairly well.
fn1186 Posted - Feb 20 2017 : 3:41:01 PM
My only explanation for this is when a .vcxproj is in one folder, include - in another, and sources - in third, and h/cpp is not in same subtree, where vcxproj:


, it confuses VA: it removes tags in runtime (I can't see them in VA Hashtags window), "p" is written to config, but on VS startup, VA can't handle this situation, and when I disable them by "p", duplicate "p" is written to config, and VA Hashtag window does not contain this projects (but only till next VS start).
fn1186 Posted - Feb 20 2017 : 3:21:52 PM
Actually after some manual editing, it turned out that I need only 3 strings left:


fn1186 Posted - Feb 20 2017 : 3:12:30 PM
Thank you, Feline!

This is a good workaround!!!
Recently I used only "hide by project", that made duplicates, but now, when I am using "hide directory"/"hide file" it hides the right way.
(Just don't use "hide by project").

So here is my new .vahashtags:

As you can see, "p" still leaves duplicates, and need each time manual disable projects between VS run, but "f"/"d" work as expected!!!
(I left 2 projects from 8 "problem" projects as "p" for testing)

Thank you for your help! ;)
feline Posted - Feb 20 2017 : 2:42:11 PM
This is working correctly for me, using VS2015 and VA 2118.

Can you please use the toolbar in VA Hashtags to turn on "Group by File", and then search for one of the tags that should be excluded. I am wondering if VA could be picking up a reference from another file, that is not in the excluded project.

Is it possible the same files are included in more than one project? If this happened, VA might be seeing the file twice, so correctly excluding one copy, but leaving another copy included and listed.

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