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 Class view not working - Find derived classes?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lars Ruoff Posted - Feb 17 2017 : 04:26:18 AM
Classic Class View is not working in my Visual Studio 2013/VAssist C++ project.
Since i turned off the default VS Intellisense (as suggested by VAssist documentation), i suspect it is for this reason class view doesn't work?
If so then is there an equivalent VAssist function that can show me for a given class which are all of its descendants (derived classes)?
Thank you.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lars Ruoff Posted - Feb 28 2017 : 11:58:28 AM
alt+shift+g helped!
Thank you.
accord Posted - Feb 17 2017 : 8:09:07 PM

is there an equivalent VAssist function that can show me for a given class which are all of its descendants (derived classes)?

Yes there is Move over the class in question with your caret and press alt+shift+g (goto related). From here, you can see all the derived classes and much much more:

To replace other functionalities: use Find Symbol in Solution to find a classname:

Tick the "Only classes, structs and namespaces".

Also, you may find VA View useful:
feline Posted - Feb 17 2017 : 08:26:04 AM
The class view is an IDE feature, and it relies on the IDE's intellisense parser.

The main reason we would suggest you disable the IDE intellisense parser is speed, if you find running both parsers to be really slowing down your IDE, then this can make sense. Otherwise you can leave the IDE parser enabled, and set VA to use its own intellisense database for listbox content.

You can get some of the same information by running Find References on the class you are interested in, and making sure that you have the toolbar button "Display inherited and overridden references" turned On.

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