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 "Highlight Matching" Foreground Color

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BRebey Posted - Jan 16 2017 : 1:52:02 PM
How do I change the Foreground color for "Highlight Matching..." words? By default, I get what appears to be blue, which is almost invisible on dark backgrounds:

I can't use a light background, because my cursor is yellow, and it disappears on light backgrounds (cursor is between "n" and "R" on first highlighted work, but is nearly invisible):

I really need control over both the FG and BG of highlighted text.

Help is appreciated!

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BRebey Posted - Jan 16 2017 : 11:45:25 PM
BAM! Thanks a million!
ChrisG Posted - Jan 16 2017 : 10:59:59 PM
ChrisG Posted - Jan 16 2017 : 10:59:50 PM
My mistake. Try modifying the VA Find Reference color in the Visual Assist options menu.

sean Posted - Jan 16 2017 : 10:59:11 PM
You can modify both the foreground and background colors for the VA reference highlights in the VS Options dialog. Look for these two items in the "Display items" list on the Environment | Fonts and Colors page:
VA Find Reference
VA Find Reference (Modified)
BRebey Posted - Jan 16 2017 : 10:42:23 PM
The feature I'm talking about the Whole Tomato/Visual Assist features selected in this image.

The Visual Studio "Highlighted Reference" foreground color doesn't affect the Visual Assist Highlighted Reference foreground color.

Can we submit a feature request to get foreground color added to this screen, along with the background colors?

Thanks for trying to help!

ChrisG Posted - Jan 16 2017 : 9:27:35 PM
You are talking about the following feature, correct?

Unfortunately, I don't know of a way to adjust the font color of highlighted references.

I assume you tried adjusting the highlighted references color value in Visual Studio?

You can't change the color of font using that setting, however.

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