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 Snippet usage in c# winform project

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Jae Posted - Jan 09 2017 : 02:18:54 AM
The snippet is working if the project is MFC, but not in c# WinForm. When I am typing the defined snippet shortcut, the snippet is not listed in the showed listbox if the project is WinForm. Is the snippet feature not supported in WinForm?

VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2083.0 built 2015.11.18
DevEnv.exe version 11.0.61219.0 Ultimate

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Jan 10 2017 : 10:04:22 AM
Thank you for the update, and I am glad this was so quickly and simply fixed.

The VA options dialog has changed with time, so the setting is now where ChrisG's screen shot shows it to be, but in VA 2083 it was where I directed you to.
Jae Posted - Jan 09 2017 : 8:26:45 PM
Originally posted by feline

Can you please look and see if you have:

VA Options -> Listboxes -> Enable Visual Assist completion, suggestion and member listboxes in C#

turned On or Off. If this is turned Off, can you please try turning this option On and see if this fixes this problem for you? You will only get VA Snippets being suggested in C# code with this turned on.

Hi Feline,
I've enabled it and it's working now. Thanks a lot.
feline Posted - Jan 09 2017 : 11:34:24 AM
Can you please look and see if you have:

VA Options -> Listboxes -> Enable Visual Assist completion, suggestion and member listboxes in C#

turned On or Off. If this is turned Off, can you please try turning this option On and see if this fixes this problem for you? You will only get VA Snippets being suggested in C# code with this turned on.
ChrisG Posted - Jan 09 2017 : 11:13:40 AM
Hello Jae,

Try enabling 'Suggestion and Completion lists' for C# by checking the following checkbox. It is disabled by default.

Does that allow you to use snippets?

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