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 Disable automatic (and wrong) member insertion

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hexagonal Posted - Dec 02 2016 : 04:41:43 AM
Hi dear all!

When I type dot "." after STL container name and type "size()", VA automatically replaces it with ".size_type()"

Very annoying, how to disable it? If there is a way to disable all automatic replacements (do it only by Ctrl+Space).

VA 2114, VS 2015.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hexagonal Posted - Jan 17 2017 : 05:26:44 AM
Thank you!
ChrisG Posted - Dec 09 2016 : 04:58:15 AM
Only if 'Additional characters' is selected in 'Enhanced Listboxes' in the Visual Assist options menu.

Sadly you cannot only apply automatic replacements as Ctrl+Space, as Ctrl+Space is will just refresh the listbox (or display it if it is not being displayed). Because of that I would recommend you disable all of the options as in the following screenshot and use the mouse to commit a selection.

Hexagonal Posted - Dec 07 2016 : 10:00:57 AM
Chris, thank you for you help!

The option mentioned, Member List Commit Characters, is disabled because I have the whole Intellisense disabled.
Of course, I can enable IS, edit the option and then disable IS again, but it shouldn't influence when disabled, no?
ChrisG Posted - Dec 02 2016 : 1:08:58 PM
Your issue is similar to this issue in the following thread.

Instead of deleting everything in the 'Member List Commit Characters' section, just remove the '.' character. (or delete it all if you don't ever want automatic replacements)

Just FYI, in Visual Studio 2015, you won't see 'Any character not valid in a symbol' option.

Tell me if you come across any issues.

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