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 VA2112 on VS15 Preview 5

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Codeplug Posted - Oct 12 2016 : 1:39:15 PM
I installed 2112 on top of VS15 Preview 5 - the installer showed a checkbox for VS Preview 4. I went for it to see what would happen, and it killed VS15.
The first VS15 startup after installing 2112 showed an error dialog saying to look at ActivityLog.xml. I clicked don't show this error again, then clicking the file menu made it exit immediately. Subsequent attempts to start VS15 shows the splash for a second and then exits immediately.

I figured yall would want to know this so the installer can exclude Preview 5 until support is added. A note on the website might be good too.

To get Preview 5 reinstalled, the following directions need to be followed: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/news/releasenotes/vs15-relnotes#KIinstall

I'm also curios if there is a VA uninstall process that would restore the Preview 5 install without performing a full reinstall. I've done the reinstall of VS15-P5 followed by another VA2112 install - so I'm currently in a bad state (I wanted an accurate write-up for this post with a workaround). Let me know if I can attach any log files while I'm in this state.

So if there is a VA uninstall process I'm ready to test it out :)

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Codeplug Posted - Oct 12 2016 : 4:31:28 PM
That worked. VA was marked as Disabled.

sean Posted - Oct 12 2016 : 4:25:33 PM
My posts were based on VS15 25802.0 -- but in a new VM I ended up with 25807.0. All observations subject to change...
sean Posted - Oct 12 2016 : 3:44:46 PM
Also note that many extensions on the VS Gallery result in the same dead after a restart or two behavior.
And using Uninstall in Tools | Extensions and Updates may result in similar dead at startup.
All of these states are resolved by deleting privateregistry.bin.
sean Posted - Oct 12 2016 : 3:42:05 PM
Sorry about that -- we are working on an update for Preview 5.

In the meantime, you can get the installation working again by deleting the file privateregistry.bin located in this directory:

VS15 will start up as if it is a brand new installation.
VA may or may not be enabled. If it is enabled, I recommended disabling it (Tools | Extensions and Updates).

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