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 VS2015 include header from VS2013

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Mordachai Posted - Oct 06 2016 : 10:53:25 AM
Right clicking on "std::future" & requesting "insert header" gives me:

#include "..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\future"

I already did the "clear cache" and "rebuild symbol" and restarted, then tried again.

Why didn't it do:

#include <future>


Is there something I'm missing someplace? What can I check?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sean Posted - Mar 09 2017 : 12:10:38 AM
case=65910 is fixed in build 2210.
Mordachai Posted - Dec 01 2016 : 09:27:25 AM
Ah, bummer! Hopefully next build.
sean Posted - Nov 30 2016 : 10:22:59 PM
Sorry -- this did not get fixed in build 2116. The fix that we had did make it to the release branch -- but testing failed. We'll revisit it and contact you once we have test dll.
Mordachai Posted - Oct 19 2016 : 2:30:28 PM
I'd be happy to use a beta to verify that
sean Posted - Oct 19 2016 : 12:52:42 PM
I believe this is due to case=65910. It is fixed on our main line, but the fix did not go to the release branch for 2114. We'll try to get it on the release branch for next month.
Mordachai Posted - Oct 07 2016 : 3:04:54 PM
I found this confusion when I was working with "future" and "optional" - with 2015 update 3 - if that helps you at all.
ChrisG Posted - Oct 06 2016 : 6:12:13 PM
When you have both VS 2013 and VS 2015 installed there is a known issue where this can happen for certain symbols.

We plan to have some improvements in this area soon.
Mordachai Posted - Oct 06 2016 : 2:33:55 PM
Sorry - yes - fixed the thread title :D
I did exactly that - typed the corrected one and intellisense / VA seem to seeing the correct thing.
I'll post here if I get anymore of this same behavior.
ChrisG Posted - Oct 06 2016 : 12:27:14 PM
Did you mean to title the thread, 'VS2015 include header from VS2013'?

Normally, I would ask you to try clicking 'Rebuild' and 'Clear' in the following menu.
(VAssistX | Visual Assist Options | Performance)

Then, restart your IDE.

However, since the issue still remains, try typing out the correct include like '#include <future>'. Then, delete the include and try to add the include through Add #include Directive. This could help ensure Visual Assist knows about the correct file.

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