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 Visual Assist hangs when running multiple instance

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jwhigham Posted - Oct 03 2016 : 05:20:44 AM
I often have multiple instances of Visual Studio 2015 running with different C++ solutions in them but doing so almost always causes Visual Studio to hang when loading all but the first solution with the progress dialog "Please wait while project information is being loaded" stuck on.

If the solution does manage to load it will then usually hang if I try to change the build configuration.

Uninstalling Visual Assist stops this from happening but of course makes working with the code incredibly painful due to Visual Studio having so few useful codebase navigation tools.

Killing all Visual Studio instances, clearing the cached Visual Assist data then trying to load the hung solution will let it load but then the next solution I load will usually hang.

This is a massive productivity blocker as I have to keep switching solution or closing Visual Studio instances when I need to change task which I do many times a day.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChrisG Posted - Oct 03 2016 : 10:53:43 AM
That's very interesting. Thank you for keeping us updated. Hopefully your fix resolved the issue!
jwhigham Posted - Oct 03 2016 : 06:37:44 AM
Update on this: Disabling Intellisense from the Visual Studio Options dialog seems to have improved matters (in as much as I have now been able to load the solutions I could not load before) so I guess there was some interaction between the two systems going on. Hopefully the fix is permanent...

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