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 Can't download older builds from archive

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
myss Posted - Aug 24 2016 : 07:22:28 AM
I accidentally upgraded VAX to a version which my license does not support. I tried to download an older build, without success.

VAX suggests to download this build: http://www.wholetomato.com/downloads/getBuild.asp?2094 . But that URL redirects to the main download page.

The download links from http://support.wholetomato.com/default.asp?W404 have the same format, redirecting to main download page.

How can I download an older build?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jeff Posted - Aug 25 2016 : 10:40:19 AM
Yes, all download links but the one for the most recent build check referrer. The check is good and bad for various reasons. You hit upon a bad.

I temporarily made build 2094 available via direct link:

ChrisG Posted - Aug 25 2016 : 10:27:06 AM
Very interesting! Thank you for updating us.

I will be sure to mention that to the web developer.
myss Posted - Aug 25 2016 : 10:25:52 AM
Ok, that was related to referrer header. The download does not succeed if referrer header is not sent. Probably wholetomato.com is expected as referrer?
My Firefox is configured to never send referrer header. That was the reason of the issue.
myss Posted - Aug 24 2016 : 11:21:05 AM
Well, I was not able to download it with Firefox 47.0.1, following a link or pasting the download URL to address bar.

I had tried to download it with Chrome, without luck. But now I get success with Chrome following a link. But pasting download link to address bar does not work.

The same with IE 11: can download by following a link.
ChrisG Posted - Aug 24 2016 : 09:59:30 AM
That's odd. I am able to click those links.

Perhaps try using a different browser, and then navigating here:

Does that help?

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