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 VAssistX.SurroundSelectionWithParentheses issue

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hunt007 Posted - Aug 19 2016 : 09:41:45 AM
VAssistX.SurroundSelectionWithParentheses without selecting text ends with cursor after the closing bracket.

Something like "()$end"

This makes no sense. It should end inside the bracket it just created so we can start typing stuff inside the Parentheses.

Something like "($end)"

I think this is a bug, not a feature.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hunt007 Posted - Aug 20 2016 : 03:19:38 AM
Originally posted by sean
why not just type (?

I guess you are right. I will enable automatically insert closing ) and change my workflow instead of using the VAssistX.SurroundSelectionWithParentheses shortcut.

sean Posted - Aug 19 2016 : 5:03:38 PM
Rather than use VAssistX.SurroundSelectionWithParentheses when there is no selection, why not just type (?

Do you have "Surround Selection via character toggles" disabled?
ChrisG Posted - Aug 19 2016 : 10:52:01 AM
It turns out this is a new request! The other case was not related.

I updated the case number to reflect the new case.
ChrisG Posted - Aug 19 2016 : 10:27:25 AM
Hello Hunt007,

I would be happen to open a feature request for you.

Oh, it looks like this feature has already been requested, in case 99523.

I have added your voice to the case.

e: updated case number

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