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 Highlight matching () and {} not working for macro

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hunt007 Posted - Aug 19 2016 : 09:22:02 AM
Specifically multi lined macro.


#define SPLAY_LINKLEFT(head, tmp, field) do { SPLAY_LEFT(tmp, field) = (head)->sph_root; tmp = (head)->sph_root; (head)->sph_root = SPLAY_LEFT((head)->sph_root, field); } while (/*CONSTCOND*/ 0)

The highlighting does not work unless we remove "#define"
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChrisG Posted - Aug 29 2016 : 12:40:52 PM
Input like yours helps guide us to what features and improvements are most important to our users for future releases.

It really does make a difference.

I appreciate your feedback.
hunt007 Posted - Aug 29 2016 : 12:36:07 PM
Originally posted by ChrisG

users use defines which contain imbalanced braces

Majority of #define macros uses balanced braces.

I don't really understand your explanation as to why doing this is difficult. But I sense you guys don't want to do this.

I guess I'll just have to use visual studio's "Highlight matching token" feature which works for #define macros and disable the visual assist's buggy feature.
ChrisG Posted - Aug 24 2016 : 5:15:09 PM
I spoke with a developer on this issue, and he said part of the reason is simply that many of our users use defines which contain imbalanced braces. That's something that's legal in defines (as is anything, really), but isn't legal in regular C++ for example. To them the feature might actually be a distraction perhaps.

I speculate this is more of an issue than it seems at first as the only way to really solve this is for the highlighter to know that it's in a #define, and to know how #defines are extended. That would require the highlight to be tied into the main parser, which is heavyweight and slower. Etc.

Hope I helped you some :)
ChrisG Posted - Aug 24 2016 : 4:14:25 PM
Oh goodness somehow I missed the notification, my apologies!

Yes, I confirm that I can reproduce what you say. I think what you are experiencing is the highlighter disabling itself whenever it sees a define. I believe this is the expected behavior, which is why I categorized it as a feature request.

I assure you that feature requests as well as bugs receive attention from the developers, and I will note on the case that it may in fact be a bug as well.
hunt007 Posted - Aug 24 2016 : 11:54:13 AM
hunt007 Posted - Aug 20 2016 : 03:14:49 AM
Hi ChrisG,

I think this is a bug not a feature because Highlight of matching () and {} works flawlessly if I remove the "#define".

Can you confirm if you can reproduce the issue locally?
ChrisG Posted - Aug 19 2016 : 10:47:48 AM

I see no reason that highlight matching X shouldn't work in macros.

I have categorized it as a feature request, and opened it as case 99525.

Thanks for taking the time to mention it to us!

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