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 Create Implementation not always correct

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cblessing Posted - Aug 12 2016 : 11:23:00 AM

I haven't managed to reproduce this reliably yet, but it keeps happening. Create a class with several function headers, and then quickly create an implementation for each function. E.g.
class a
  void b();
  int c() const;
  float d();

Sometimes the resulting code creates an implementation with the name of the previously created function, although the types appear to be correct. E.g.
void a::b()

int a::b() const

As I mentioned, this doesn't happen every time, so I haven't been able to identify a 100% reproducible set of steps I'm afraid.

VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2108.0 built 2016.08.01
Windows 8 6.2 Build 9200
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cblessing Posted - Aug 15 2016 : 05:28:43 AM
Hi ChrisG,

Typically, I can't reproduce it I'm afraid. I shall make some more notes next time it happens - there are probably some very specific set of circumstances that lead to it occurring.
ChrisG Posted - Aug 12 2016 : 1:08:58 PM
Hello cblessing,

Having a little trouble reproducing this myself.

How fast are you triggering the create implementations? It might be difficult to reproduce because it's hard to trigger create implementation back to back fast enough.

Can you reproduce the issue in a default Win32 application with a test class .h and .cpp added to it?

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