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 Any Reason of Deprecating the old context menu?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hunt007 Posted - Aug 01 2016 : 06:30:17 AM
The old context menu is awesome.
Why are you deprecating it?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
accord Posted - Aug 18 2016 : 8:43:50 PM
What do you mean by Kodi?
Headvery Posted - Aug 18 2016 : 12:38:47 PM
yeah..old context menu was awesome! I would like to ask since we're talking context menu here.. I can't figure out how to set up the context menu function in Kodi using the remote. can you figure it out? How can I get this working this remote? :) Thanks in advance!
feline Posted - Aug 01 2016 : 07:22:20 AM
The IDE changed quite significantly with VS2010, and above, and this altered how we hook into it and work, which is why the old context menu was no longer triggered with the mouse.

But if you still want to use it, you can trigger it via the keyboard. I have just checked, and this still works correctly in VS2015 with VA 2107. Go to:

IDE tools menu -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard

and map a keyboard shortcut to the command VAssistX.OpenContextMenuOld

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