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 Create implementation split parameter list

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alex Spencer Posted - Jan 22 2016 : 08:54:12 AM
Is there a way to split the parameter list when using Create Implementation? Ideally the layout in the source would be the
same as the layout in the header.

i.e. I would like to have

ReturnType function(
var one,
var two
in the header generate
ReturnType classname::function(
var one,
var two
in the source
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shawnyaleap Posted - Sep 05 2016 : 08:31:27 AM
Originally posted by feline

This is not something VA does currently, but we are considering a change to try and preserve the formatting / line breaks when refactoring:


For now, have you considered using a code formatting tool, to help ensure all of your functions use this style? I know VS2015 adds quite a few C++ formatting options, but on a quick glance I am not seeing an option for this style.

your idea is very direct to the point. it really looks like there is no option at all. a very keen observation.
feline Posted - Jan 22 2016 : 8:15:55 PM
This is not something VA does currently, but we are considering a change to try and preserve the formatting / line breaks when refactoring:


For now, have you considered using a code formatting tool, to help ensure all of your functions use this style? I know VS2015 adds quite a few C++ formatting options, but on a quick glance I am not seeing an option for this style.

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