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 Autocomplete does not work in some cases

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EugeneKozlov Posted - Oct 12 2015 : 02:03:15 AM

Sometimes autocomlete just does not work. List disappears and nothing happens when I press Enter/Tab or double-click.

18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Mar 21 2017 : 4:25:46 PM
I have the files, and will be looking at these soon. Many thanks for this:

Thibault Posted - Mar 20 2017 : 1:09:32 PM
Just sent you a message with links to download the projects :)
Hope it will help !
feline Posted - Mar 20 2017 : 09:07:32 AM
If you would be able to send me both the solution and project files that had the problem, and the new files after this started working again, I would be very interested to have a look, and see if I can reproduce the problem here.

Please submit the files via the form:


including this thread ID or URL in the description, so we can match it up.
Thibault Posted - Mar 17 2017 : 10:18:08 PM
I saw after posting the latest post of feline.
I tried creating a blank c++ project and it worked fine.
So what I did is that I remove everything from my UE4 project except my assets and source files.
Then, I regenerated the visual studio project files from unreal engine, and now everything is working fine again.

If it is of any help for you, I still have a copy of the project before fixing it. I can share it to you if thats of any help
Thibault Posted - Mar 17 2017 : 9:44:29 PM
Same problem with build 2210.
Im using the trial version with visual studio 2017 (v15.0+26228.9) on windows 10.
It was working fine those last days, and stopped working just today.
I installed extra components to my visual studio install using the visual studio installer, so I guess it may have updated the core and may be the cause of the issue.
feline Posted - Mar 08 2017 : 05:06:21 AM
Apologies for this problem.

Which IDE and OS are you using?
Which programming language or languages are you working in?
If you create a new, default project, are you still seeing this problem?

Are you aware of any changes you have made in the last day or two? If you are using VS2017, have you just upgraded from one of the RC's to the RTM?
robiwan Posted - Mar 08 2017 : 02:52:33 AM
Originally posted by feline

I am glad this is rare, since it is really going to get in the way. Still, I would like to get to the bottom of this problem, even if we move slowly, to try and find a way to stop it from happening at all.

The using bug is now being tracked as:


two versions of the bug report got combined. This is down as a high priority bug, and we are hoping to look at this soon, but unfortunately I don't currently have an estimate. But it certainly has not been forgotten.

As a bolt of lightning from a clear blue sky, I have this problem now with build 2118. Tab or Enter does not "take", and actually, . (dot) is "eaten up" by VA, so no list is shown either. Restarted the computer. Reinstalled VA. No change. From leaving my computer yesterday, to coming in this morning, VA has become unusable. Very, very disappointed atm.
feline Posted - Oct 19 2015 : 11:44:10 PM
I am glad this is rare, since it is really going to get in the way. Still, I would like to get to the bottom of this problem, even if we move slowly, to try and find a way to stop it from happening at all.

The using bug is now being tracked as:


two versions of the bug report got combined. This is down as a high priority bug, and we are hoping to look at this soon, but unfortunately I don't currently have an estimate. But it certainly has not been forgotten.
EugeneKozlov Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 11:10:03 PM
Thank you, I will watch this.
This is actualy rare bug.

PS: Fix please 'using' in namespaces (case #79779)
feline Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 5:14:04 PM
A good start, thank you. There are two basic types of listboxes you are likely to be seeing. Firstly "Member" listboxes, things that come up after typing dot, arrow or double colon. A listbox where it is listing the members of something.

Secondly "suggestion" listboxes, listboxes that appear when you might be triggering a snippet, VA is suggesting / guessing what you might be typing, etc.

It's possible the problem listboxes are always of one type. Your original screen shot shows the first type, a member listbox. Member listboxes normally come either from the IDE or from VA, depending on the "Get content from default Intellisense" setting.

About the only "good" reason I can think of for a member listbox not to respond is that it has lost focus. The thing is, if it has lost focus then it should have disappeared. So next time you see this problem, can you try using the up and down arrow keys and see if the current item in the listbox changes? If not, then it looks like the listbox has somehow lost focus.

The other thing to watch for is if you are always seeing this problem with a member listbox, or also with suggestion listboxes as well.
EugeneKozlov Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 03:11:23 AM
'Get content from default Intellisense' is turned on. When this flag is turned off, I see tomatos.
If I trigger listbox again I see the same.
feline Posted - Oct 16 2015 : 6:59:04 PM
That's interesting. If you trigger the listbox again do you see tomato icons, or is the lack of icons consistent?

Do you have:

VA Options -> Listboxes -> Get content from default Intellisense

turned On or Off? This defaults to Off in newer IDE's, so you won't see that many tomato icons. VA listboxes should appear when the IDE does not produce a listbox.
EugeneKozlov Posted - Oct 16 2015 : 12:42:51 AM
I mean that checkbox was already turned on when bug occurs. I have never switched it.

PS: In the following case I don't see tomato icons. However, anything works fine.

feline Posted - Oct 15 2015 : 6:46:58 PM
Good to know. Are you normally seeing tomato icons on your listboxes and tooltips? There are none showing in the screen shot, but if the setting has been changed since then, that would explain it.
EugeneKozlov Posted - Oct 15 2015 : 12:04:26 AM
That checkbox is already turned on. Most likely, it was turned on when that bug occured.
feline Posted - Oct 14 2015 : 7:42:54 PM
A further thought, can you please turn on:

VA Options -> Display -> use tomato icons in listboxes and tooltips to mark Visual Assist content

if you normally see tomato icons, but no tomato icons when the problem occurs that would be an interesting clue.
EugeneKozlov Posted - Oct 13 2015 : 03:05:35 AM
I have caught this bug two times dirung a week, so it is quite hard to reproduce. I'll try to find any pattern.
Yes, I have these checkboxes enabled. I use latest VA (2076 build) and MSVC 2015.
accord Posted - Oct 12 2015 : 10:03:12 PM
How often does this happen approximately? Every second listbox? Every tenth? Every hundredth?
Does this seem totally random or do you see any pattern about how to reproduce this?
What Visual Studio and Visual Assist versions are you using?
Do you have the following 2 enabled?
1. VA Options -> Listboxes -> Tab
2. VA Options -> Listboxes -> Enter

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