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 [C#] Implement Interface is missing properties

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
apautrot Posted - Sep 17 2015 : 08:01:36 AM
In C#, properties of interfaces are not implemented when using the option Implement Interface.

Given the following example :

interface MyInterface
	string MyProperty { get; }
	void MyMethod ();

class MyClass : MyInterface

Hover above the interface name MyInterface on the same line than MyClass. Pull down the refactoring menu. Click Implement Interface.

Note that only the method implementation is added. The property is not.

Which result in:

class MyClass : MyInterface
	public void MyMethod ()
		throw new Exception ( "The method or operation is not implemented." );

While we could expect:

class MyClass : MyInterface
	public string MyProperty

	public void MyMethod ()
		throw new Exception ( "The method or operation is not implemented." );

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChrisG Posted - Oct 12 2016 : 5:48:00 PM
Thanks for reporting the issue.

I was able to reproduce the issue, which is similar to case=92161. We will ensure that a fix works for both C# and C++/CLI.
xMRi Posted - Oct 11 2016 : 03:58:20 AM
Same here in C++/CLI!
accord Posted - Sep 18 2015 : 06:27:23 AM
*oh* Not good. I was able to reproduce the problem here:


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