The plan is that only Create Implementation will use the method body snippet, but NOT Move Implementation. Currently, "Create From Usage Method Body" is used by Create From Usage and Implement Interface. The default method body is:
throw std::logic_error("The method or operation is not implemented.");
This will used by Create Implementation but NOT by Move Implementation.
The question is that would you want to use different body for Create From Usage, Implement Interface and Create Implementation? The above snippet seems to be a good fit for all of them.
Create Implementation's snippet is as below:
$SymbolType$ $SymbolContext$($ParameterList$) $MethodQualifier$
Where you see $MethodBody$ is the place where Create From Usage and Implement Interface puts the method body snippet (the logic_error), but Create Implementation is not doing this, currently. So the plan is that Create Implementation will replace $MethodBody$ with the logic_error but Move Implementation will NOT do the same, since the $MethodBody$ is already given in case of Move Implementation.
Does this make sense?