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 VAX thinks a method named event is a keyword

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
legalize Posted - Apr 02 2015 : 10:26:35 AM
It colors it wrong (blue instead of rust) and won't let me move the method implementation from header to source.

'event' is not a reserved word in ISO C++ and should not be colored blue.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Apr 07 2015 : 1:27:02 PM
Are you testing and reporting this to connect on a machine without VA installed? I don't have the community edition installed currently.

Either way, we are looking into the refactoring commands not being available, but I am not sure when we will have a fix for you.
legalize Posted - Apr 05 2015 : 9:54:14 PM

is the issue on connect, but they're acting all stupid and saying that they can't reproduce, which is exceedingly lame because this has been a problem ever since C++/CLI was introduced.
feline Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 7:48:00 PM
A little unexpected. A function called "event" is shown in blue in VS2010 even when VA has never been installed on the machine, so this is something that is coming from the IDE, not from us.

I am seeing the problem with Move Implementation to Source File not being offered, and I have put in a bug report for this:

legalize Posted - Apr 02 2015 : 12:04:35 PM
VS appears to color this blue as a keyword, even with VAX turned off, at least in VS 2010. I haven't tried any newer editions. If it's marked as a keyword in VS 2013 Community Edition, that's a VS bug.

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