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 VA not working for project

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ryanston Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 09:48:57 AM
Using version 10.9.2059.0

I have a rather large C++ project for which the majority of VA functionality is simply not available: there is no VA nav bar shown, VA outline simply shows an empty white pane, VA view window is empty, Find symbol doesn't show any symbols, 'smart open' shows no files, etc.

Interestingly, the .sln file is auto-generated by an external tool since we use a custom build system. We are not using filter files, etc., either.

Is there a way I can further diagnose this problem?

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 10:51:29 PM
What file extensions do your problem code files have?

If you look in VA's Open File dialog, normally opened via Alt-Shift-O, are any of your files being listed?

It almost sounds like VA is having problems with your solution and project files, but VA should still be active and working normally in code files once they have been opened, so it sounds like there is something else at work here.

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