T O P I C R E V I E W |
jwiede |
Posted - Mar 05 2015 : 5:29:21 PM Is there a listing anywhere of which snippets should be available for each language? I seem to be missing a few -- for example, neither guid() nor uuid() snippets appear to be present in 2059's autogenerated cpp.tpl file.
In fact, I only see 4-5 snippets total in "Edit VA snippets..." dialog for C++ (viewing all by name), and seem to recall there being more by default in the past. Is that really as expected? Did the older snippets such as uuid move to some other mechanism? If so, how do I access them in 2059?
I did try renaming both Autotext and Dict directories forcing 2059 to regenerate them and their contents, but upon relaunching VS(2013) no more snippets were present.
Oh, and one last thing, does anyone know of any sites which contain useful VA snippets we can use to pre-populate our collections?
Thanks! |
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
feline |
Posted - Mar 05 2015 : 10:42:29 PM It seems nearly all of your snippets have somehow been deleted. On first install VA ships with a default set of snippets, designed to get you going, and to provide some idea of what is possible with VA Snippets.
However we don't attempt to re-generate these, since you may well find they get in the way and have a good reason for replacing or deleting them. The snippets required for refactoring commands will be restored, to their default values, if deleted, next time you run the matching refactoring command.
If you do a hard drive search for "cpp.tpl" you may well have a copy or two in a "Autotext\\Latest\\" directory. The location of this will depend on the IDE or IDE's you have installed.
If you cannot find these files just let me know which IDE you are using and I can tell you where to look, or I can email you the default files to copy across.
I did try a forum section for interesting snippets some time ago, but it never really got used by anyone, so in the end it got deleted. You can see a couple of interesting snippets here to give you an idea of what is possible:
while the reserved strings you can use in snippets are give here:
http://docs.wholetomato.com/default.asp?W262 |
jwiede |
Posted - Mar 05 2015 : 8:08:05 PM To be clear, I am aware of the Tools->"Create GUID..." tool dialog in VS. However, that tool is missing some useful variants (f.e. guid as explicit string) which are still useful (esp. when copied from C++ to be available in XML for AppxManifest.xml file editing and so forth).
This isn't just about UUID/GUID either, I definitely recall there being other "common" code fragments available among VAX's snippet offerings, and I'm not seeing those off-hand either. I'm trying to resolve whether it's because something is wrong with my system/install, error in Whole Tomato's VAX build process, or...?
I did notice one related "VAX upgrade" issue already: VAX isn't checking if Autotext and Dict contents were "default/unchanged" during subsequent installs (upgrades), instead the installer seems to use simple presence to determine whether to keep existing vs regenerating new ones, and thus old-but-default Autotext/Dict contents block VAX installs from regenerating new ones.
Expected behavior would be that installer would check somehow (hashes/mod-date/etc) that Autotext/Dict contents were same as at install, and if so, then installer should delete and (at next launch) regenerate new default using upgraded version. Simply checking for presence gives false positive in comparison, as it were.