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 Syntax highlight fails for "operator" and "using"

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mikhail.matrosov Posted - Jan 02 2015 : 03:04:18 AM
Uploaded screenshot says it all. There are two problems:

1. operator keyword is highlighted everywhere except text editor
2. using declaration inside a class is not recognized as user-defined type

VAX settings: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fdbyxy1gjp62m91/20150102115747.reg?dl=0
Visual Studio settings: https://www.dropbox.com/s/23zuk0eoj0kp0yl/Exported-2015-01-02.vssettings?dl=0

VAX info:
VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2052.0 built 2014.11.05
DevEnv.exe version 12.0.31101.0 Ultimate
msenv.dll version 12.0.31101.0
Comctl32.dll version 6.10.7601.17514
Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
8 processors (x86-64, WOW64)
Language info: 1251, 0x419

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 4:25:34 PM
Apologies for this, we are looking into this, but it is not quite as simple as it first sounds.

No, we don't have a public road map, but I can tell you that the one reason a bug is even more urgent are that it involves crashing the IDE - thankfully very rare but it does happen. After that prioritising bugs is not straight forward, but we try and balance how many people seem to be effected, along with how many problems the bug is causing.
mikhail.matrosov Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 3:59:55 PM
Another build is out, this "very high priority" issue is still not fixed. Do you have any public road map? I just wonder how many issues above "very high priority" do you have :)
feline Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 1:21:14 PM
Unfortunately this has not yet been fixed. We are hoping to get to this soon, and it is down as very high priority, but unfortunately this is not the only bug report we have to consider and work on.

This thread should be updated when this has been fixed.
mikhail.matrosov Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 07:01:42 AM
The new build is ready, but I don't see the fix.
accord Posted - Jan 20 2015 : 4:06:30 PM
case=87178 has a very high priority so should be fixed fairly soon.
mikhail.matrosov Posted - Jan 20 2015 : 02:16:32 AM
Mostly, I'm satisfied. The only inconvenience is, again, the bug with not parsed "using" directive. Previously, aliases declared with using were highlighted by semantic colorization. Now they are black.
accord Posted - Jan 19 2015 : 7:40:53 PM
Are you satisfied with Disabling Semantic Colorization? If it works for you without side-effects, then it should be a good solution.
mikhail.matrosov Posted - Jan 17 2015 : 05:17:01 AM
This approach does not work for me.
accord Posted - Jan 13 2015 : 4:39:52 PM
First, I wanted to see if it works. Since it does, it can be considered a workaround, but it should work without disabling this option. Sometimes the color priority gets messed up in Visual Studio so the below steps might help even without disabling this setting. You can try the steps or leave it as it is now, if you're satisfied with the results.

The steps:
1. re-enable the mentioned setting by changing the follow option to false:
Tools -> Options... -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable Semantic Colorization

2. disable VA in Tools -> Extensions and Updates.
3. restart VS.
4. exit vs.
5. start VS.
6. enable VA in Tools -> Extensions and Updates.
7. restart VS.
mikhail.matrosov Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 12:15:51 PM
This helped! Interestingly, there are a number of C++ related display items under Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors, but most of them seem to be overridden by VAX, except this one.

How do you suggest, is disabling semantic highlighting a valid fix for the issue?
accord Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 11:49:27 AM
Can you please try disabling the following setting by setting it to"true"?

Tools -> Options... -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable Semantic Colorization
mikhail.matrosov Posted - Jan 05 2015 : 11:02:24 AM
Some info on the effect: "operator" keyword has proper blue color a few seconds after it is typed. But then it turns black. And the moment it turns black, the "==(" part of the text moves a few pixels to the left. Please, see the video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ejox69e9rgtncf/ScreenCapture_1.flv?dl=0

Here I select the line, cut it and paste it back.
mikhail.matrosov Posted - Jan 05 2015 : 10:50:29 AM
Here is the link to the complete solution: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gklf7bd7kaha7z2/VAXSyntaxHighlightBug.zip?dl=0

See below how Card.h is displayed in my editor. Note the same effect for operator(). I tried to rebuild symbols databases with no success.

accord Posted - Jan 05 2015 : 09:29:49 AM
1. I wasn't able to reproduce the operator== highlighting problem. Can you please try creating a clean new win32 project to see if you're able to obverse the same effect using a simplified code snippet?

2. I am seeing the same effect here. I have put in a bug report for this:


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