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 custom colors not propagated to tooltip

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
icy Posted - Sep 15 2014 : 3:14:55 PM

I just downloaded a 30-day trial today and came across an issue where custom colors are not shown in tooltip.

1. Build number of Visual Assist: 10.8.2043.0
2. IDE: Visual Studio Professional 2012 Update 4
3. Steps to reproduce:
  • VASSISTX->Visual Assist Options->Fonts and Colors

  • Change any or all of the four dropdown colors

  • Apply coloring to Text Editors, Tooltips. Optionally also check off Views, Listboxes, VA Navigation Bar.

  • Click OK, then hover mouse over something, and notice that the tooltip still has the default colors (nav bar, for instance, has correct colors)

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 5:04:36 PM
Unfortunately this is still a known limitation, and it is still largely outside of our control. We are working inside and around the IDE, so we don't have complete freedom to do what ever we want.
icy Posted - Apr 01 2015 : 10:03:48 AM
Seems to still be happening in 10.9.2059.0
feline Posted - Sep 16 2014 : 4:00:59 PM
Unfortunately this is a known problem, due to a bug in the IDE extensibility framework, that we use to integrate VA into the IDE. We have not been able to find a solution for this so far, and its possible its not something we have any control over.

Hopefully this does not disrupt your experience of using VA to much, and thank you for a very clear bug report.

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