T O P I C R E V I E W |
AMArnas |
Posted - Oct 11 2013 : 03:16:23 AM I have Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 installed on windows 7 32. After I installed VAssist 2001 problems have appeared: 1. From Visual Studio 2010 VAssist disappeared at all. 2. The Visual Studio 2008 have begin rise an errors like this :

7 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
feline |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 2:03:43 PM I don't use VirtualBox under Linux, but I do a lot of testing in VMware Workstation under Windows, and both the IDE's and VA run perfectly happily, so long as the virtual machine has enough RAM.
It does sound like something got clogged up or corrupted, and the reinstall has fixed things. Hopefully things will stay fixed, and you won't have any more problems. Obviously if you do please let us know and we will do what we can to help fix them. |
foxmuldr |
Posted - Oct 19 2013 : 05:57:22 AM I have access to that VM again, but I can't find the download. I presume I downloaded, copied it over temporarily, installed it, and then deleted it from that disk/vm.
I had told you previously about the issue I had with the slow screen updates after doing a couple hours of work in the VM. I made some changes trying to address that the other day as it got to the point where it would take 15+ seconds between me pressing F5 to where it actually began running the program. I could see each DLL being loaded one by one, for example.
I cleared out a bunch of bad registry stuff, deleted and re-installed VS2008 from the DVD. I'm no longer running VS2008 SP1, but just the raw VS2008 install. Visual Studio is running much faster. And this latest install of 2001 is much smoother than before. I assume the two are related in some way. :-)
I have not been worried about this error above. But I did notice it. |
feline |
Posted - Oct 18 2013 : 8:10:04 PM Thank you for the update. I have installed VA 2001 into VS2005 under Windows Server 2003, and it works correctly. So at least its not an OS specific problem, which is some progress.
VirtualBox should not be causing this either.
My current guess is either a corrupt download, or some form of permissions problem. |
foxmuldr |
Posted - Oct 18 2013 : 5:46:15 PM I am using Windows Server 2003 in VirtualBox on Linux Mint 15 64-bit. I ran the installer by downloading, going to the directory in Windows Explorer, and double-clicking the icon. I did not do anything special to run it, such as right-click "run as" or anything. I did not see any errors during install. Everything installed correctly. The error message above showed up when I went into Visual Studio the first time after installing 2001. I only have plugins that are installed by default with Visual Studio 2008, except for VAX.
I will get back to you on the file size. I don't have access to that virtual machine right now. |
feline |
Posted - Oct 18 2013 : 4:21:29 PM Again apologies for these problems.
Did you run the installer as an Admin, or as a normal user? For VS2008 the installer requires Admin rights to work correctly.
Are you running VS2008 as an admin user, or as a limited user?
What is the file size of your "VA_X_Setup2001.exe" installer? It should be 13,330,064 bytes. I am wondering if you have a corrupt download.
Did you see any errors during the install of VA?
Do you have any other plugins installed? |
foxmuldr |
Posted - Oct 16 2013 : 3:27:54 PM The same thing happened to me in VS2008. |
feline |
Posted - Oct 11 2013 : 1:44:47 PM Apologies for these problems.
Did you run the installer as an Admin, or as a normal user? For VS2008 the installer requires Admin rights to work correctly.
What is the file size of your "VA_X_Setup2001.exe" installer? It should be 13,330,064 bytes. I am wondering if you have a corrupt download.
In VS2010, can you please open the:
IDE tools menu -> Extension Manager...
dialog, and see if Visual Assist X is listed? VA might be installed, but disabled. If so, Enabling VA and restarting VS2010 should help.
In VS2010 you may also need to turn the following IDE On:
IDE tools menu -> Options -> Extension Manager -> Load per user extensions when running as administrator