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 PyTools Incompatibility?

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jase439 Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 4:03:27 PM
A coworker of mine has been trying unsuccessfully for months to get Visual Assist (Build 1940 thru 2001) to work in his Visual Studio 2010 SP1 installation. He claims that with VAX installed, anytime he is editing a Python file, the editor will crash on him when IntelliSense tries to resolve a symbol. If he uninstalls VAX, the crashing stops.

While this is far from conclusive evidence that VAX is to blame, there is certainly strong circumstantial evidence that there might be a conflict. I know VAX does not support parsing of Python files, but are there any known incompatibilities with other Visual Studio add-ins such as PyTools or IntelliSense support for languages other than C/C++/C# that could cause this?

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
accord Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 5:30:39 PM
Okay, thank you for the follow-up!
jase439 Posted - Oct 02 2013 : 6:46:20 PM
He meekly confessed he might have been able to reproduce his IDE crash today without VA installed ;-) The problem seems to be with Intellisense and PyTools, not VA.

He was going to try reinstalling VA after finishing his second helping of crow.

We now resume our regularly scheduled programming.
accord Posted - Oct 02 2013 : 2:47:09 PM
Does he use VA features in python? If not, enabling my previous post's setting should help.
I tried reproducing the problem, but wasn't able to. Although I didn't install the compiler as of yet, maybe installing PythonToolsIntegrated.exe should help. But I don't see how would it make a difference, since VA should not interfere with listboxes in python.

Another chance is to try disabling
VA Options -> Advanced -> Listboxes -> Get content from default intellisense

It should only affect C++ listboxes, but worth a try.
jase439 Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 11:13:25 PM
Those are the tools. I believe he's using 1.5, but I will verify and see if I can coerce him into gathering up a crash dump. He's taken to referring to VAX as "rotten tomatoes" as of late :\\
accord Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 6:15:47 PM
Also, he can try enabling this new option, it might help:
accord Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 5:50:05 PM
Is this what is he working with?

Which version is he using? 1.5 or 2.0 beta? I will try to reproduce the issue here.
Also, taking a minidump of the crash may help:

To send in the files just use the following form:

Make sure to include the URL of this topic.

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