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 Strongly Typed Enums going unrecognized

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Clairvoire Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 7:58:55 PM
Hello! I'm a student who just got VAX today to use, but I've run into a small problem.

The strongly typed enums from C++11, I can't seem to get VAX to recognize. I've tried restarting visual studio, but it remains rather baffled.

I'm using VS2010, and VAX's version is 10.7.1929.0, built the 22nd of February.

Is this a bug, or might I be making a mistake somewhere?
(Please ignore the "entity" mistake in the screencap, I fixed it after screencapping, but it doesn't change anything)
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sean Posted - Mar 09 2017 : 12:11:34 AM
case=62046 is fixed in build 2210.
feline Posted - Apr 22 2013 : 3:55:57 PM
I am seeing the same effect here. Thank you for the clear description.

DesertDragon Posted - Apr 20 2013 : 06:31:06 AM
Anyway there is a bug in VA with unnamed typed enum.
enum { 
    width = 591, 
    height = 302 

is parsed by VA, and whese enumerators showing in Find references, Find symbol and Rename.
But if we add the type
enum: int { 
    width = 591, 
    height = 302 

VA to skip them and will not be processed.

Unnamed typed enums are useful in some cases, for example if we want to declare them instead of typed constants, since constants are not highlighted separately from normal variables, and enums are highlighted.
Clairvoire Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 11:47:32 PM
Oh, my mistake!
Thank you for the quick reply!
sean Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 10:03:28 PM
The underline/squiggles are from VS2010. It doesn't support C++11 strongly type enums like that. VS2012 does not display squiggles for the same code.

VA should display a list of the enum values when you type:

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