>>VA tips should not missing the virtua/static info
//.h file
class SEMainEnclosure{
virtual double CalMainTranArea() const;
//.cpp file
/*virtual*/double SEMainEnclosure::CalMainTranArea() const
return 0;
void testCmd(const SEMainEnclosure& Enc)
Enc.CalMainTranArea(); //hovering on this memerber-function-call
The definition field disp "double SEMainEnclosure::CalMainTranArea() const{...}"
The Tips disp "double SEMainEnclosure::CalMainTranArea()"
They all missing the virtual info.And the same to static.
Yes,I admire this occurs when the refer function "void testCmd(const SEMainEnclosure& Enc)" is in the same cpp file with "SEMainEnclosure::CalMainTranArea()".
But this is not the excuse I think,when the called-function is also a member funtion belong to the same class,So they mostly defined in the same cpp file.In this case,I always cann't get the virtual/static info from the tip or definition field!
Suggest your team can fix it please!