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 Auto Highlight references should clear previous

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jzq740176597 Posted - Dec 27 2011 : 8:46:40 PM
VC6 VA 1856 Xp Sp3
Have the option "Automatically Highlight references under cursor" On.When click on new symbol the previous highlighted colour ,mostly,cann't restore the original color normally.
New click on "ssCopy" the previous "ss" still coloring.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Jan 13 2012 : 5:24:29 PM
I am seeing the same effect here. Thank you for the clear description.


const not being shown in the tooltip is covered by:

jzq740176597 Posted - Jan 12 2012 : 12:18:46 AM
>>VA tips should not missing the virtua/static info

//.h file
class SEMainEnclosure{
	virtual double CalMainTranArea() const;

//.cpp file
/*virtual*/double SEMainEnclosure::CalMainTranArea() const
	return 0;

void testCmd(const SEMainEnclosure& Enc)
	Enc.CalMainTranArea();    //hovering on this memerber-function-call

The definition field disp "double SEMainEnclosure::CalMainTranArea() const{...}"
The Tips disp "double SEMainEnclosure::CalMainTranArea()"

They all missing the virtual info.And the same to static.

Yes,I admire this occurs when the refer function "void testCmd(const SEMainEnclosure& Enc)" is in the same cpp file with "SEMainEnclosure::CalMainTranArea()".
But this is not the excuse I think,when the called-function is also a member funtion belong to the same class,So they mostly defined in the same cpp file.In this case,I always cann't get the virtual/static info from the tip or definition field!
Suggest your team can fix it please!
feline Posted - Jan 04 2012 : 12:16:34 PM
To turn off this IDE bar, just use the setting:

IDE tools menu -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Navigation bar
jzq740176597 Posted - Jan 03 2012 : 9:14:05 PM
I use vs2008,The Context Combo is my favorite feature,But the IDE self have a analogous one,It's reduplicative and occupy the window-area.I try to close it but failed.Could you do me a favor? Thank you !
<The IDE self one is the 2nd row>

accord Posted - Dec 29 2011 : 9:08:59 PM
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jzq740176597 Posted - Dec 29 2011 : 12:07:02 AM
- How long have you been experiencing this issue? Is this started happening with 1856 or did you see this with earlier versions as well?
- Are you using any other Visual Studio plug-ins?

I have been experiencing this issue as least 2 months.Before I begin to use 1856 I don't use this feature.So I don't know whether it existed in earlier versions.
I don't use other Visual Studio plug-ins.Only VA.
I wasn't able to reproduce the problem.

I will send a e-mail to your that can reproduce the issue in my PC.I hope you can get it from it.
Thank for your reply.
accord Posted - Dec 28 2011 : 4:48:31 PM
Regarding the highlight problem:
I wasn't able to reproduce the problem.
- How long have you been experiencing this issue? Is this started happening with 1856 or did you see this with earlier versions as well?
- Are you using any other Visual Studio plug-ins?

Regarding VA Outline:
I'm happy that you like this feature. We are considering indicating virtual and static functions:

jzq740176597 Posted - Dec 27 2011 : 8:57:55 PM
By the way,I have thought about a question for a long time,VAOutline is a powerful feature!
I'm proud of I can use it,In fact,I even cann't work without it.But I really hope the VAOutline can display the virtual/static member function/member with different feature to Let us distict/recognize them from the normal fast and easily.
Many times a h/cpp file is so long,The VAOutline is a blueprint can help us so much to know and scan the code.So the feature I mentioned really do some sense.

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