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 Visual Assist installer not working in VS2022

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TomatoSauce Posted - Feb 28 2024 : 02:03:59 AM
I've recently upgraded to VS2022 (17.9.1) and tried to upgrade to the latest version of visual studio which my license will allow, which is Visual Assist Build 2440. From the release notes, this version should support VS2022. When I try to run the installer exe, it does nothing. I noticed other people mentioned this issue on this forum, and the official workaround was to change the properties of the exe such that it could run in compatibility mode with windows 7. I did this and was able to launch the installer. I selected the checkbox to install it in VS2022 (I do still have 2019 installed too). But once the installation is complete I open VS2022 and I have no access to any VA features. Essentially it has not installed. When I check my extensions in VS2022 it is listed as being installed, but there are no toolbar options, nothing. Is this version of Visual Assist simply not compatible with my version of Visual Studio 2022?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Mar 04 2024 : 08:38:47 AM
Thank you for the update, I am glad this worked well for you, and got you up and running again.
TomatoSauce Posted - Mar 04 2024 : 04:56:45 AM
Just confirming that this process did indeed work for VA_2440 and VS2022. Thanks for the support.
feline Posted - Feb 28 2024 : 09:21:27 AM
This should work and fix this problem in all versions of Visual Studio, but obviously you do need to delete the privateregistry.bin file in the correct install directory for the IDE version you are fixing.

So obviously please do let me know if you have any problems with this.
TomatoSauce Posted - Feb 28 2024 : 08:53:13 AM
Thanks for the thorough and clear response. I tested this fix on VS2019 (where I was having the exact same issue) and it worked. I've not tried it with VS2022 as I had deadlines to hit and so went with a trial version of the latest VA in the interim - the only way I was able to get it active in my IDE. I'll give it a try in VS2022 when I get the chance and will report back. Thanks again.
feline Posted - Feb 28 2024 : 08:06:18 AM
Apologies for this. Since you are installing an older version of Visual Assist on a newer version of Visual Studio you are running into a known problem. Thankfully it is simple to fix.

The first step is to export your default profiles IDE settings, since the fix resets your current settings. This is done via:

IDE tools menu -> Import and Export Settings -> Export selected environment settings

Now you need to close all instances of the IDE and locate the directory where your default profile is stored. For Visual Studio 2022 this will be the directory:


where xxxxx is a hash, so its machine specific. There should only be one directory matching this pattern.

If you look inside this directory you should see a file called "privateregistry.bin". You need to delete this file, which will be recreated next time you load the default profile. You will either get the default IDE settings or your online synced IDE settings, if you have enabled this option. So you may well want to import your exported IDE settings, to restore your preferred settings.

When you do so all of your installed extensions will still be installed, but they will be Disabled, so you need to go into the extension manager dialog:

IDE Extensions menu -> Manage Extensions

and Enable your extensions. This will require an IDE restart to take effect.

At this point Visual Assist should be active and working normally.

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