Would it be possible to have the old icons (pre-1561) for those of us who still use VC6? The new icons, while nice, stand out like a sore thumb in the IDE.
I'm seeing a small dashed dotted line and not the wavy line that I was used to. The interface has been VS2005-esque which is fine if you are using the new IDE. For the old IDE it looks wrong.
In what version did the underlining change and the new icons come in? I'm pretty sure I was running a 15xx version before today. I saw the date was newer so I installed it without paying too much attention to my own date.
Ah interesting. If you set the font to Courier New, then it looks ok.
I forgot -- one thing that did change is that the underline is drawn one pixel lower (so there's a pixel of space between the font baseline and the top of the underline. Well, for certain fonts (such as plain Courier), the IDE packs the lines of code so closely together that we don't have this extra pixel's space to draw in.