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 Output window formatting - feature suggestion
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Posted - Aug 24 2007 :  4:57:12 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I don't know if you have any way to access text in output windows, but it would be a great feature if you could intercept the output and allow it to be run through a user-designed filter before being displayed, or even apply syntax coloring to the output.

We do most of our compiling using GCC/external compilers and being able to intercept warning messages/errors and highlight them somehow would really be handy. In general, this would be useful to monitor any debugger output where say, you are working with lots of debug messages you are not interested in but buried among them are some you really don't want to miss.

Perhaps if the output could be compared against a series of regular expressions and a replacement done on that basis, maybe with the ability to add some color to the mix...e.g. Find: "warning: .*" Replace with: "\\{ORANGE}\\0\\{NORMAL}". (This particular implementation is cribbed from SN-Systems Target Manager and Debugger TTY filters).

Anyway, it's just a suggestion to stick in the back of your brains when looking for the next feature set...

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Aug 27 2007 :  10:53:13 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Your description put me in mind of this:


Although with the IDE running you probably cannot use DebugView to capture the output.

To be honest, for what you want, you really need to load the text into some form of specific / custom program or view, that is designed to do these things.

Are you able to capture a text file containing the compiler output?

I remember compiling under UNIX with Vim. The exact method used would depend on the shell being used, and I recall a command call "tee" (or something like that). The basic concept was to copy the compiler output, one copy going to the screen so you scan read it, to see if it compiled or failed, and a second copy went to a text file for detailed analysis, which seems to be what you need here.

For now have you tried finding inside the output window? I tend to flag debug messages I care about with a unique string, to allow me to search for them in the output window, for very similar reasons.

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