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 Code Inspections clang-tidy name left-aligned
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Senior Member

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Posted - Mar 21 2025 :  05:04:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In the Options -> Code Inspection there is a long list of code inspections with the description on the left (left-aligned) and the clang-tidy name (right-aligned) and the level on the far right.

The clang-tidy checks form a hierarchy, so that checks with a common prefix belong together, e.g. "abseil-*" or "google-objc-*". I would prefer the clang-tidy name to be left-aligned as well, and ideally written with a monospaced font, to make them more readable. Otherwise it is really hard to find the beginning and end of a section like "clang-analyzer-optin.osx.*".

Is this possible?

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19147 Posts

Posted - Mar 21 2025 :  09:41:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I assume you are looking at the list with "Show Unevaluated Checkers" turned On.

Have you tried using the search / filter field? If you are looking for a specific type of check, this is what the search field is for. With "Show Unevaluated Checkers" turned On, using the search term "google-objc" gives me a list of just 4 checks. Vastly easier to see what you are looking for this way.

Personally I avoid scrolling through even just the short list, since the names are long, and there are quite a lot of checks. If I am looking for anything, I just start filtering first.

Not the same as the change you are asking for, but is there a good reason to prefer scrolling the list rather than just searching it?

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