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 Add include of underlying type
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Senior Member

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Posted - Oct 27 2023 :  07:32:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have to say I love "add include", I use it all the time. It's probably one of my most often-used shortcuts.

However, something that happens almost nearly equally, is that I am using a pointer object whose type is not defined, e.g.:


Often times, pMyTool by itself would be fine, having its type forward-declared in the .h (e.g. class Tool;).

HOWEVER the issue is that the "Tool" class itself needs to be included now that I am using "Use()".

So what I end up doing, and I do this quite often, is to write a throwaway line of code, such as "Tool dummy;", then use visual assist "Add include" on the "Tool" word, so the #include statement is generated at the top of the file, then I erase the throwaway line.

It would be really nice to have a shortcut to "Add include of underlying type", so that it would be able to use its Parsed knowledge of the underlying type of the variable and do that inclusion.

I hope that made sense!:)

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19078 Posts

Posted - Oct 31 2023 :  08:53:13 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think this makes sense, so I have created a new, default C++ console, just to get a clear test case for this. I have set up the following three header files:

holdingObject.h has the "object" class you are talking about:

class TriangleObject;
class SquareObject;
class HoldingObject
	TriangleObject *pTriangle;
	SquareObject *pSquare;

which forward declares the used pointer types. Then I have the two stored types:


class SquareObject
	int GetSquareColour() { return 1; }


class TriangleObject
	int GetTriangleColour() { return 1; }

then I have the main file where I use this deeply complex code

#include "holdingObject.h"
int main()
    HoldingObject *pObject = new HoldingObject();
    pObject->pSquare->GetSquareColour(); // line that breaks compiling

    std::cout << "Hello World!\n";

as it stands, this code does NOT compile, since I have only included the holding object header file. If I comment out the problem line the code compiles quite happily. If I place the keyboard caret into "pSquare" on this line, Add Include is NOT offered, since the required header file is already included. If I place the caret into "GetSquareColour" then Add Include IS offered, and is offering to add:

#include "squareObject.h"

which seems to be what you are asking for.

I have tested this using VS2022 and VA 2502.0. Have I understood what you are describing correctly? Or have I not followed properly?

It could be my test case is to simple, but if so, what strangeness are you performing?

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