I am assuming this is C++ that you are using? Can you please post some form of code sample to show what you are doing and what sort of problems you are seeing?
VA is having no problem with the following C++ code for me:
class enumContainingClass
enum { AnonymousOne, AnonymousTwo, AnonymousThree };
void CompareEnumToNumber() const
int nOne = 1;
int nTwo = 2;
short nValid = 0;
if(AnonymousOne == nOne) { nValid++; }
if(AnonymousTwo == nTwo) { nValid++; }
if(AnonymousThree == nTwo) { nValid++; }
std::cout << "total valid checks is: " << nValid;
VA Outline is showing the correct outline, the colouring is correct, and Alt-G on the three anonymous enum items takes me to the enum declaration, as expected.